Hello all,
From VOS3000 version to Version you will see Transcode or codec conversion options in routing gateway or mapping gateway but that not works, actually codec converter is different module which sold by VOS3000 developer, That will work actually when that specific extra module installed, else it wont work properly, may be few calls can work but will not work properly
From VOS3000 version some people have Codec Conversion or Transcode module, those people have this module installed in server then it will work, many vendor do not have VOS3000 Codec converter or many other module, those server wont work properly for this
You can check from ‘Process manager” if the codec converter or how many modules are installed in your VOS3000, if you see codec conversion module is available in server then it will work for you, here is screenshot attached of a process manager in VOS3000 Server.
Please let me know if you need VOS3000 with codec converter module or VOS3000 for you, You can contact me in whatsapp anytime: +8801911119966 (whatsapp only)