Hello all, my name is Rana, basically i am working in voip industry from 2005 when i was student. Mostly i worked with softwares but also computer/cellphone/tech gadget always attracted me. Anyhow later on it became my passion. I studied on Telecom Engineering but i believe on self education. You can tell me i studied at “Google University”. I loved technology since i was young, worked in software industry for long time. Mostly i love to do R&D, that is my main focus always. Now a days doing R&D on human brain, control brain in own ways, concentrate on brain – by using meditation, opening hidden objects of brain etc. But this blog is mainly written for security of VOIP softswitch and tips/tricks for VoIP software usages.
Many people told me VoIP business is no more and its gone. Is it true ? I don’t think so, there is no business or trend which gone ever. Just renovated, you can say Re-Innovation. Before people used watch and now using smart watch. Phone are also becoming smart, same way need to update business with trends. Still people doing good business with VoIP – just need to run faster with trends. Most people don’t do much R&D about it, so i planned to share about some point here, its better to write here instead of telling each well-wisher separately.
…stay tuned with us, hope i will able to share important points for VoIP industry.
Please do not copy any content from here, if you really want to share any contents then at least keep the credit note.
And one important thing- we strictly do not want any illegal voip anywhere, all tips/tricks/guide given is for voip softwares. We do not support any illegal voip in bangladesh as we have “VoIP Service Provider” License from BTRC. So, we suggest all Bangladeshi to do legal VoIP trade here.
Thanks and best regards.
Rana Khan (Whatsapp/SMS: +8801911119966)