VOS3000 Termination reason/error code replacement to alternative codes like “Service Unavailable” !


There are lots of reason sometime calls not get connect and return with a error code to disconnect – those are normal and error codes are same for almost all softswitch. Sometime direct vendors or wholesaler want error code replacement due to increase call connectivity quality – like when some call termination reason come “Not Found” then call get disconnected but carrier want it to try secondary routes if that works. In that case they want some replacement error cose where call do not get disconnect and try next gateway or routes. All clients not like this because some want accurate error codes. So who need to change error code to other code like “service unavailable” (503) then you can follow below screenshot.

Its not that hard but handy – if you have any more question for vos3000 commectivity issues then please knock me at whatsapp – +8801911119966


VOS3000 billing issues solution – Conversation time is less but charged duration is higher! Why ?


one of the most common things always happened in voip softswitch industry – people had issues with billing disputes with each other – there are many reason for those disputes and 95% time the errors are human errors – software normally not make much issues always – i am now sharing one of the issue here which sometime happen

conversation time is lower but charged duration is high ! Please see the screenshot to understand

you can see conversion time is 2 second but ch fas rhes or billed for 6 second !

Now what was the error here ! Its a simple issues – when you gave rate in rate management – you sinply forget to change the pulse 6 to 1 – which means from 1-6 second whatever the duration is the softswitch charging for 6 seconds !

see the screenshot below to understand:

I hope you understand the problem and solution now easily. There are more things which also make problems for billing disputes but all can be solveable as i said mostly this happen for human error!

whatsapp me : +8801911119966 to know more


VOS3000 client became chinese – all vos3000 options are in chinese language- how to make it English back?

Hello all,

Actually this is very common and small issues many people face but many do not know accurate ways to solve, so sometime they became worried.

Vos3000 , vos3000, Vos3000 client sometime become chinese language when we open it, when we start the vos client by double click we see sudden chinese language in it instead of english. Actually it happen for java and some permission issues conflict with vos3000 client and windows operating system.

Vos3000 client became chinese language after open.

The solution is very simple: Right Click the Vos client icon in the Windows and click “Run as Administrator” – by this it will get full permission and will become english. See the images below of vos3000 client.

Right click on VoS3000 client icon and Run as administrator
English language came up in vos3000 client again

Many people asked me this many times – so i made this, hope it will help you all ways.

If you need anymore help for vos3000 softswitch then please just contact me in whatsapp: +8801911119966


فشل EMP ابدأ في خادم VOS3000 SSH، كيفية حل؟

مرحبا بالجميع ،

# خدمة empd بد
ء بدء خدمة كونشي EMP: [FAILED]

العديد منكم مواجهة قضية EMP ابدأ فشل بعد إعطاء الأمر ل EMP، وهناك سبب كثير، وسوف أصف الآن قضية رئيسية واحدة. VOS3000 لا تدعم EMP جميع إصدارات نواة لينكس. نظام التشغيل المستخدمة في الغالب لVOS3000 هو CentOS، سنتوس 5.11 لم يعد مدعوما من قبل سنتوس، لذلك من الصعب الحصول عليه من أي مركز بيانات ولكن ممكن. تحتاج إلى إصلاح ريبو الملف في هذه الحالة. أيضا سنتاوس 6.10 أو Centos 7 أيضا لا تدعم العديد من الإصدارات من VOS3000. أساسا لا تبدأ emp بسبب مشكلة النواة. دون بدء EMP لا يمكنك بدء MBX. في هذه الحالة لديك لخفض النواة إلى نواة معتمدة أو الحاجة إلى ترقية نواة لدعم واحد. أنا تقاسم EMP قائمة نواة معتمدة هنا في الملف المرفق. حتى تتمكن من الترقية وتقلل بسهولة.

للترقية أو إصدار إصدار Kernel يمكنك البحث في جوجل ، هناك العديد من دليل سهل لذلك.

emp قائمة kernel معتمدة

بعض الأوامر الهامة التي تحتاج إلى معرفتها عن مشكلة النواة مع vos3000.

تحتاج إلى استخدام الأمر دورة في الدقيقة القياسية لقائمة البرامج المثبتة. اكتب الأمر التالي في موجه shell:

$ دورة في الدقيقة
– qa kernelOutput: نواة-2.6.18-4.1.15.el5 نواة 2.6.18-8.1.14.el5 k ernel-2.6.18-8.1.10.el5

إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مزيد من المساعدة فقط ال whatsapp لي: +880191119966